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New Stattion from York Street_edited.jpg

How May I Become Involved?

UNITED WE SERVE... Building our Future is a volunteer-led effort guided by community members of the Mechanicsburg community. We are asking individuals, businesses, churches, and organizations in the greater Mechanicsburg community to provide gifts, both large and small, to achieve our campaign goal. While each gift may be different, we ask you to respond out of your own generosity and a sense of civic responsibility.


Use the QR Code to Donate to our Capital Campaign

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Gifts may be in the form of cash, appreciated assets, gifts-in-kind, or other special gifts. All gifts will be gratefully received and promptly acknowledged. All gifts to this campaign are tax deductible as allowed by law.   Financial commitments to this effort will be

solicited in 2024 through 2025. Many individuals and businesses will be visited in person to ask for their financial support. Many others will be given the opportunity through phone, email, mail, and social media. Your gifts may be given over three to five years (2024 – 2029) (over six or seven tax years.) Additional time is offered to accommodate a larger commitment. It is important to understand that gifts must be over and above the resources already being provided for the ongoing operation of the fire department.  This capital campaign will help the fire department to more efficiently fulfill our mission to protect our community. Thank you for accepting the challenge and responding to this appeal.Financial commitments to this effort will be solicited in 2024 through 2025. Many individuals and

businesses will be visited in person to ask for their financial support. Many others will be given the opportunity through phone, email, mail, and social media. Your gifts may be given over three to five years (2024 – 2029) (over six or seven tax years.)

Additional time is offered to accommodate a larger commitment. It is important to understand that gifts must be over and above the resources already being provided for the ongoing operation of the fire department.  


This capital campaign will help the fire department to more efficiently fulfill our mission to protect our community. Thank you for accepting the challenge and responding to this appeal.

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